What are the benefits of early reading?

What are the benefits of early reading?

1.Reading helps develop a young child's brain. In the first six years children learn at a must faster pace than any other time in their lives.

2.Reading opens the door to your child's academic success. We have to read to understand.

3.A child who learns to read early grows in self confidence and independence. Early reading ignites the child creativity and imagination.

4.Early readers have the opportunity to relate to their peers hence building the social skills.

5.Children who learn to read early have greater opportunities to encounter the written word. They form a rich vocabulary, correct grammar, improved writing, better spelling and more articulate vocabulary.
Take time to read to your child, it will create interest and encourage them to embrace reading.

6.Reading should he fun and relaxing.

7.The books should be child friendly with lots of picture and larger texts.

At Colors & Crayons we have invested in our reading programme to encourage early reading . Oxford reading tree is one of the leading reading series which helps children build their pre- reading skills.


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